Monday, March 30, 2020

Fusion 360 Transition Space

Initially, I blocked out the space with three solid prisms to get a feel for the space and the program (below)

I then went back and reconstructed the transition space in 2.5d to optimise it for laser cutting (below)

Monday, March 9, 2020

Progress on compilation of infographics

Progress on compilation of infographics

I made progress on the combined infographic, importing the finished spider chart and beginning to match the colours. The spider graph's scheme is based on the reds and oranges of the transport graphic. I selected capitalised futura as the heading font and began to integrate these. I also experimented further with the gradient weather chart as the backgroundand began plotting out a key so this could be easily interpreted. I moved the Y axis of the column graph from the left to the right and reduced its size and labels.

Completed Site Plan

Completed Site plan.

My site plan as it stands to be compiled. Data for 5pm, based on a purple pastel colour. 

Experimentation with combined infographics

Experimentation with combined infographics

Incorporating graphs I had recieved from the group I compiled these, experimenting in hopes of fiding a visually pleasing balance. I changed the pie graphs I had originally received into donut graphs for more interest and to allow space for a title within the centre. Further, I reduced the data face to a semi circle in order to create an opposite effect against another data set coming from the top of the image (the donut here stands in place of a planned half-spider chart which I am yet to receive from a group member.)

Plan process

Plan process

Began to select colours for my plan - currently looking to make the walking lines black/grey monochromatic.

Pastel Source Image

Pastel Source Image

Our group agreed on using the following from IG: @act.of.mapping as a source for pastel colours for our plans so they were similar and compatible tones when compiled. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Completed Transport infographic

Completed Transport infographic

We also had a group member drop out, so I began to brainstorm space efficient ways to incorporate a weather infographic into our combined submission. This resulted in experimentation with black to white gradients indicative of temperature. 

Early Progress on Infographic

Early Progress on Infographic

Building a bar graph around icons with the end goal of conveying my data set without the necessity of labels.


Infographic Colour brainstorm

Infographic Colour brainstorm

Discussed with group that I would base my graph of the applicable colours of public transport iconography (i.e. Light Rail, Bus). From there they plan to base their colour schemes around a monochrome of one of my colours. 

First Draft of Photoshop task

First Draft of Photoshop task

Using Adobe capture to draw colour swatches out of photos Week 2 (25/2/10)